Friday, May 27, 2011

'poco Ingles' has become my least favorite phrase...

Long day of travel and finally arrived in Miraflores.  I think it could be what one might considers an eventful trip.  On the flight to Lima, the kid in front of me had Blue Gatorade in his bag that happened to leak out of the bag, through the overhead compartment and in my seat haha go figure! Another exciting adventure...the woman sitting beside me fell into my headphones and drove them in to the seat outlet so deep the flight attendant had to use his fingernail clippers to get them out (it was either that or a report got written up for my seat!) needless to say they are broke so I have no headphones! Once in Lima, I proceed through Immigrations and customs, all the while keeping an eye out for Riccardo, an Essalud employee that was supposed to pick me up.  I had sent him my photo but never received one from him.  He does not hold up signs for fear someone will lie to him and say they are the person when they are not to get a free ride/hotel room.  Finally after 30 minutes of searching, a man approaches me and nods-I am assuming this is Riccardo.  He said 'Riccardo, el poco Ingles' and said what I made out to be wait one moment.  He left talking on his cell phone and returned to the lobby 30 minutes later!! I had no clue what was going on.  He negotiates a cab for me and leaves.  I get in the cab and the driver says 'El poco Ingles, Miraflores?' I replied 'si, and the hotel name' he had no clue.  So, I am sitting in the cab (they don't use traffic signals) going through a bunch of dark alley ways 'shortcuts' not having any idea if he knows where the hotel is.  Finally I look up and see the hotel...phew! It was a bit scary.  I will be at this hotel for one night then traveling to a different part of the city for the remainder of my visit.  Off to get some rest :)