Friday, June 22, 2012

Dancing altitude and soccer in Cuzco

The streets of Cuzco
The 'chosen ones' for the Peruvian dance

Hotel Los Aticos 

Our pick-up soccer game this afternoon

Let the dancing begin wohoo!!

Dancers from the highlands

A child selling oranges in Cuzco
Last night was quite the adventure.  Went to dinner with the conference organizers and presenters from the conference.  They took us to a great restaurant with live entertainment including dancers from all of the different regions of Peru.  They were all incredible...I was especially amazed at the strength of the scissor dancers.  I was quite embarrassed by the fact that I got pulled on stage by some of the dancers despite putting up a bit of a struggle! I learned a dance from the highlands (pictured below with the president of the conference Alfonso and an orthopedic surgeon from Brazil).  Got back to the hotel very late and was asked to go to the hotel bar for a drink with some of the presenters.  Knowing that this might not be such a good idea since I had to be up at 5:30 a.m for a flight to Cuzco, I opted to go anyway.  Got very little sleep but it was entertaining to say the least.  Got to Cuzco around 11:00 a.m. today and was concerned that the hotel staff would not be there for pick-up since the flight was delayed for an hour.  I asked a woman at a booth in the airport to use her phone to call the hotel and for one sol she made the call.  She did not in fact call the hotel but spoke on the phone faking a call.  She said my hotel does not have anyone to pick me up and that her company would take me to the airport for 20 sols.  This was not a deal....and I was amazed that she would do such a thing ...valiant effort on her part but unfortunately I know better!!! Walked outside and low and behold there was a woman with a sign that had my name on it! I am amazed at the beauty of Cuzco.  Vendors lining the streets with small children husking corn, selling baskets and carrying whole slaughtered pigs over their shoulders.  The smell of raw meat lining the street with the occasional fish vendor intertwined has made me a little sick at times (probably the altitude does not help matters!).  Found a few kids in an alleyway and asked them if they wanted to play soccer, they were very excited and before we knew it we had enough for a whole team! The altitude is starting to take it's toll...Rest this evening before the Inti Raymi Festival and Machu Picchu on Monday.  I can hear the music on the Plaza de Armas for the nightly festival from the hotel (or attic shall I say?!) Off to rest to the sound of a Peruvian beat.

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