Thursday, June 21, 2012

IV Congresso Internacional De Cirugia Artroscopica

Water park!

Very excited to receive supplies!

Nadia and family at water park

My hotel Los Delfinos

Downtown San Isidros near my hotel

The appetizer section of lunch served at the hotel...
Yesterday I arrived in Lima, Peru to speak at the International Athroscopy Conference.  A much less exciting arrival as compared to last year.  There was actually a hotel worker at the airport with a sign waiting for me (yennyffer Tuley) and a smooth ride to the hotel.   The conference has been a very rewarding experience; sharing my knowledge and hearing other therapists and surgeons ideas about orthopedic surgery and rehab from around the world.  Attending the lectures has forced me to engage my limited Spanish because there is only a translator for English to Spanish and not visa versa.  I did all three of my lectures in a row so talked about shoulder instability for over an hour (on very little sleep!)  The information seemed to be very well recepted.  Saw a few therapists from Hospital Almenara where  I volunteered at last year and gave them all of the supplies I saved from donations from patients at Coastal Orthopedics.  They were so happy and thankful they could not stop giving me hugs and kisses! The officials at the conference held a ceremony today and gave all of the presenters a beautiful gift from Peru-a gold plaque with our names on it.  We will meet in Miraflores this evening for a farewell dinner.  I have met many wonderful healthcare workers, including a very talented therapist named Nadia from Columbia.  Went to the water park last night in downtown Lima with her and her family and friend whom is a therapist in Lima.  Had a great time.  I also met a doctor by the name of Gonzalez Gomez from Argentina who gave a lecture on ground reaction forces and running mechanics.  I was very excited to speak with him and share some ideas.  He asked to see some of my work with video analysis and we discussed strength training in athletes (he works for the Argentinian soccer team).  We met for 2 hours after lunch and he said I could be very beneficial in his research and invited me to be a ‘mentor’ for his research and his clinic! I will start by attending skype meetings weekly (should be interesting, I am not very tech savy and have never used skype!).He said he would like for me to go to Argentina to assist when things get organized.  This is very exciting! Off to rest for a few minutes before going out…have to be at airport for Cuzco at 6 a.m…Machu Picchu and Inti Raymi here we come!!!!